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The final writing assignment for this class was to critique a film. I chose to analyze the new "Evil Dead" remake. Here is my review:





Jayson Ward

HUM 1020-01Z

Professor Scheafer

July 21, 2013

Evil Dead: A Horror Film Analysis


             Evil Dead, directed by Fede Alvarez, is a remake of a 1981 horror film that many consider a “cult classic”.  The story line of the film focuses around five young adults who take a trip to a secluded family cabin in the woods. In the basement of the cabin, they discover a satanic book. After reading a passage from the book, a demonic spirit possesses one of the main characters. Several elements work together to make this a great horror film. One important element is the story line for the movie. Other elements that contribute greatly to the success of the film are the special effects and makeup.


The plot is very typical of a traditional horror movie. There is a lot blood and gore, which is well suited for the type of film that this is. The film had many moments that were surprising and capable of making an individual cringe. The plot is especially chilling because it seems as though the events that occur could happen to anyone. The story is very suspenseful. There are many surprises, as well as lots of blood, guts, and gore.


            The special effects and makeup in the film were great, easily passing the actors off as demonically possessed individuals. Since the original release of the film, there has been much advancement with the technology used for film editing and production. The newer version of the film uses many unique shots.  In my opinion, these advancements were reflected with this piece of work, when comparing to the film that was released over two decades ago. The special effects contribute to the overall scare factor for the film.


Although the plot is not unique when considering the horror genre, it was a very good horror film. The scary story line was easy to follow, yet suspenseful and exciting. The special effects and make up are just a few examples of other elements that help make the film great. This is the type of movie that will be enjoyed by horror buffs for many years to come.


Word Count: 342