The first writing assignment focused on analyzing a photograph depicting a scene from Shakespeare's Hamlet. Here is my interpretation of the artwork:
Jayson Ward
HUM 1020-01Z
Professor Scheafer
May 28, 2013
The Scenery of Hamlet: An Analysis of Scene Design
One of William Shakespeare’s most famous works of art is The Tragedy of Hamlet: Prince of Denmark. The tale focuses on the story of a prince who seeks revenge for his father’s murder. The story has many aspects that yield a complex scene design. The piece of art reflecting one of the scenes is portrayed a dark manner that results in an ominous tone for the scene. The picture itself is dark and out of focus, making it difficult to distinguish which characters are in the piece, but it appears to be men on horseback. The approaching men could be any of the character of the play and at any point of the play. The beam of the light towards the bottom appears to be beckoning the men, perhaps welcoming them to the castle.
The scenery of the artwork yields an uneasy tone, which could represent humanities constant struggle with mortality. The artwork implies a dark atmosphere and an almost depressing mood, easily portrayed with the scenery. Excellent scene design can help to draw focus to the negative aspects of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The artwork does not provide much information about the play, other than informing the viewer that there is an ominous tone. It indicates that death will likely play a major factor in the play.
Word Count: 216