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The second writing assignment for the class focused on contrasting two sculptures. The sculptures I selected were titled "The Black Cat" and "The Brass Cat". Here is my analysis:


"Black Cat"



"Brass Cat"


Jayson A. Ward

HUM 1020-01Z

Professor Scheafer

June 9, 2013


Black Cat versus Brass Cat: Sculptural Contrast


            The sculptures “Black Cat” and “Brass Cat” are two very different representations of cats. Although both sculptures are full round pieces, both pieces have many different artistic elements. Some of the differences include the representation of the animal, as well as color, tone, and texture. These varying artistic elements allows for unique interpretations of a common animal.


            Subtraction created the form of the “Black Cat” sculpture. The removal of material created the shape of a cat. Manipulation was the method for creating the “Brass Cat.” The artist shaped brass to create the form of a prowling cat. Differing techniques resulted in two very different representations of the same animal. The brass piece also includes construction, since the addition of more and more brass material led to the creation the artwork.


            The sculptures use multiple artistic elements to invoke different emotional reactions for the pieces of art. The two sculptures vary in their color, tone, and texture. The “Black Cat” piece is smooth and plump in texture. The color for the piece is very dark. Despite the dark color, it has a cheerful tone, almost implying the joyful life of a fat, happy cat.


            The “Brass Cat” piece has a much rougher texture because of the thin brass wire used to construct the piece. The intricate weaving of the brass creates the rough texture. The shape of this piece implies a cat on the prowl, which yields a serious tone. This piece is very different when compared to the other sculpture.  


            Although the two sculptures reflect the same animal, they are very dissimilar in terms of their artistic elements. The two pieces are different in terms of representation, and elements such as shape, texture, tone, and color. The ability to manipulate and transform three-dimensional mediums allows for many unique variations of the same inspirational theme, in this case the cat.


Word Count:  309